Sep 7Liked by Benjamin Ryan

Thank you for your thorough work.

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He played the oppression hierarchy uno-reverse card! So the white guy had to play along. Bravo!

On his own, Peters says things like "professionalism is transphobic".

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He literally said that?

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Yep, that it’s a Trojan horse for all types of hate including transphobia. Tweet he posted on 6/6/21 at 6:03 pm. I just posted the screenshot in response to your Note linking to this article.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

Woe! I just found the Note and screen capture. That is actually a lapse in professionalism on his part--I mean for a surgeon to decry a norm related to basic hygienic necessity in medicine--Yikes. What's next, Handwashing?

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“The president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons has declined to assert that the organization’s recent public statements regarding pediatric gender medicine categorically signaled its opposition to bans of gender-transition treatment for minors.”

The most equivocating piece of nonsense that I have ever read. It’s past time to shit or get off the pot. The amount of evidence of irreparable harm to minors that has led most of Western Europe to change course is overwhelming.

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Great stuff!

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Blair Peters, Queer Surgeon®. LOL

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How on earth do doctors think they can treat a mental disorder with plastic surgery?

They’re so blinded by the money to be made that the vast majority don’t stop to think if mutilating minors who are mentally ill, autistic, or abuse survivors is actually a good idea.

This industry is rotten at its core. There will be hell to pay when this fraud collapses because there’s no such thing as “trans.” It doesn’t exist.

Just like lobotomies and opioids, this will go down as a scandal. And all of these quacks will act like none of them remembers a thing.

You’d think after something like the opioids fallout these people would stop and ask themselves what has gone wrong with their business. But no, it’s full-speed ahead with giving 11-year-old boys who like to play with dolls puberty blockers and estrogen.


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We don't know where Queer Surgeon® extraordinaire Blair Peters vacations, what kind of car he drives or whether he lives in one of Portland's coveted A-list neighborhoods or if he's even one of Portland's A-list queers. So more information is needed before we can say whether he's in genital mutilation for the money. My gut reaction is that Peter is a true believer along the lines of the ACLU's ferocious lady lawyer Chase Strangio.

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* I’m good friends with a top Peds psychiatrist who told me to get in with Dr. Edwards-Leeper stat. Fortunately, I already had an appointment with her and she helped us slow it down. I wonder if he’s ever discussed the fact they’ve scrapped her careful evaluations that she implemented at OHSU pediatric and adolescent trans clinic. Also, I wish you would have asked Dr. Peters what his wait time is to get in for “top surgery”. I’m hypothesizing that it’s a very long waitlist. And why is that? 70% increase in gender clinic referrals post Covid (mostly natal girls).

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I forget if he said it in this video or another one, but the wait time for a consultation with him is two or three years, I believe.

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OHSU is making money even if the surgeons and docs aren’t. I want Dr. Peters to tell us exactly what makes him so confident that the psych evaluations are thorough…again this a hospital I know well and I also the head of peds psychiatry. You can’t really express plausible deniability when they aren’t doing what he claims. Again I don’t know if he’s ever looked at the evaluation process. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt but surgeons are responsible at the end of the day if they are trusting social workers to do their jobs. They aren’t.


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Excellent piece, clear and moves among the key ideas quickly. Many thanks.

The astute observation you quoted on “doctors don’t always do the right thing” is an epiphany I had lot long ago.

Were doctors - psychiatrists as a focus - to regulate their professional activities to only be in support of healthy patient outcomes, the treatment for “female possession” delusion would have merged with treatment for delusions such as “my leg is not mine” or “I am the 2nd coming of Christ” or “TV’s beam instructions in my head” delusions long ago.

Medicine is not effectively self-regulating and the obvious past lapses have been catastrophic.

All it takes to stop this round of failure is for more doctors to use the claim that evidence is poor to negative for trans existence or current treatments, and stop. It’s their get out of jail free card (UNO card as mentioned by Hazel-Ra) to attempt to be taken seriously in the future - “research shows a new picture which we will use as a basis I of our management of the delusion”.


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It is worth noting that health authorities in five European nations have already engaged in a major pull-back of gender-transition treatment for minors. So if US gender doctors had the same read of the literature as those European nations, they would already have self-regulated and voluntarily restricted access to puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to pediatric patients. On the contrary, their medical societies have continued to promote wide access. WPATH has said that the majority of adolescents with gender dysphoria would do better to go on meds.

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Yes, centralized control of medical approaches does have huge advantages in discerning trends; but I also attribute it to the heroic efforts of a few people of character - Dr. Cass, Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala and others.

The real problem is of homophobia or adolescent puberty anxiety which are a persistent feature of humanity, and not mental illnesses - one a fear of being different or left out, the other a fear of change and anxiety of adult responsibilities. They will never go away, ever, as long as humans exist, but false solutions will always be embraced and charlatans available to promote them.

As “death cures all ailments”, time cures the anxiety of puberty, and only like community (as far as I can tell) mitigates, but not dispels, fear of homosexualty.

Pure delusions have no cure, only ways of managing the delusion to minimize distress. Delusions seem to group three ways - 1) delusions of bodies - blindness, wrong limbs, wrong sex (trans body), alien origins, too thin, too fat; 2) delusions of thoughts - wrong sex thoughts (trans feelings), externally controlled thinking, thoughts being read, actions being externally directed, possession; 3) delusions of grandeur - gods reincarnated; supernatural powers, powers of inducing love or sex, powers to read minds, power to become others (other sex).

Trans delusions are the only ones which medicine treats by affirming them through medication and surgery, and by mandating the rest of the world must comply with the delusion.

The problem originated with medicine (psychiatry), not gay liberation, feminism, postmodernism, leftist politics or “woke”.

European revision is a start but still falls short of backing out of being pure pseudoscience on the entire subject

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"The problem originated with medicine (psychiatry), not gay liberation, feminism, postmodernism, leftist politics or 'woke'."

So the intellectual architects of "queer theory" philosophy such as Judith Butler are blameless? One would think queer theory has produced pernicious concepts that lead directly to delusions of bodies and delusions of minds. Think about the mass indoctrination of youth that is taking place in grades K-12 as kids are exposed to the Genderbread Person and the like.

Medicine stands by to take in the walking wounded with promises of relief from those delusions through chemicals and surgery.

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Psychiatry created “gender” and “gender identity”. Psychiatry de-classified delusion as illness. Queer theory ran with “the science”.

Gender Identity It was a pure invention by Robert Stoller in the late 60’s, then Dr John Money applied the theory to children by mutilating and in at least one case experimentally removing the genital of infants and children. He then published false results of the application of the theory which resulted in uncounted numbers of children whose genitals were again mutilated and removed, resulting in today’s child horror show, the concept that a child’s “gender” can be different from their “sex” and can be brought into “alignment” through mutilation called surgery. The suicides must be staggering at this point.

“Performing” a gender role is an ancient concept, stemming back to at least the earliest evidence of theatre, perhaps the Greeks. Performing a role other than one’s sex was common in farce, and was a staple of theatre, in for example Shakespeare.

Delusion is the inability to sense realty, common delusions present as a being a character other than who they are in reality. The concept that delusions are not an illness but a rational response to an irrational world (construction) originated in the 60’s or so with some key psychiatrists - R.D. Laing, David Cooper.

Couple the psychiatric, and experimentally discredited concept of gender identity as a kind of “role” - invented entirely by Stoller and put into practice by Money - and the discredited psychiatric movement to claim schizophrenic and psychotic delusion of belief that you are other than who you are in reality is not an illness but a rational reaction to nasty society, then hand it to professional pompous bullshitters like Foucault (“A History of Sex”) and Lacan to slather it with laughably bad but “smart sounding” nonsense, and what you have is the a charlatan trifecta - gender is a performance; gender sex incongruence delusion is not an illness but a construct; and only constructs are real.

Others have done it. Noam Chomsky sent the entire field of linguistics into a wild goose chase down a rabbit hole that has lasted 60 years, with barely an end in sight (at least in the US, the attractor and home for every fad in the world).

The icing on the cake really was classifying gender-related issues in the DSM - used by the world, and in the US the Affordable Care Act under section 1557 mandating insurance providers _must_ cover gender-affirming treatments.

Again, without psychiatry and Robert Stoller and “gender identity”; without psychiatry believing that sex could be made aligned with gender surgically; with psychiatric homophobia believing that women liking women and men liking men is an “inversion” and must be treated; without psychotic fashion that delusions are not illness but rational response to the world, and yet another school of philosophy going on about nonsense (Chomsky would have blathered on about something, Foucault, Lacan my have stuck with Anthropology and been forgotten) without all that what do you have?

You have Iran and Nazis treating homosexuals with genital mutilation, a few adult trans-delusional people convincing Butchers to mutilate them, a lot of men still in women’s clothing getting off, and a lot of unattractive men in drag performing farce.

You don’t have DSM, Insurance, and “Affirmation” therapy.


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Thanks for this.

I notice this from Peters:

"However you’re coming into this or however you want to engage in this discussion, it should be informed by the evidence, not by personal or religious bias, including if you’re an expert in this field. And it should be based on the intent of actually wanting trans people to do well."

That last sentence is a gigantic loophole, isn't it? So if I review the evidence and still do not adopt a trans-maximalist viewpoint, I can still be told to keep my mouth shut; after all, only someone who does not want trans people to do well would feel that way, right?

That's what really irks me about gender ideology; language is slippery and the concepts ill-defined, which make it easy to accuse the unwary of bigotry and transphobia. That's why people like Jesse Singal speak so carefully, because he's well aware that there are people poised to mischaracterize what he says as hatred. And of course the spectre of suicide hangs over the entire topic--say the wrong thing and it is claimed that you are "literally killing trans people."

If you can't discuss a difference of opinion you can't resolve it, which is exactly what trans rights activists intend. The only resolution they want is total victory; hence their "no debate" slogan. They'd do well to remember that they are a tiny minority--if they refuse to debate, they are going to lose.

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It isn't just the trans activists who refuse to debate. A high percentage of liberals and progressives, including liberal and progressive organizations, consider themselves trans allies. They won't abide debate either.

For example, I posted the following comment in the Washington Post today about a story concerning a female athlete who was stripped of her bronze medal. (Jordan Chiles’s Olympic medal controversy robbed her of ‘the person I am’ https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/09/12/jordan-chiles-olympic-bronze-medal-stripped/)

"If the public are sympathetic to this athlete’s plight when she was knocked off the top three tier, then they should also empathize with teen girls and women who were contenders in competitive female-only athletic events but saw their training and best efforts go down the drain when a boy or man identifying as female unfairly took one of the top spots due to his innate physiological advantage."

Here are the thought- and debate-ending replies my comment elicited:

> Take your grievance somewhere else.

> sports is all about someone having an innate physical advantage. i would have made it to the NBA if I was taller and faster like some of the freak athletes.

yeah, thats an apples to oranges argument but so is yours.

> Admit it, you really don't give a rat's rear about women in sports. Trans women just make you feel squeamish.

On the other hand, my comment has been up for several hours now, which is encouraging. It is the kind of opinion the Post's moderators have not tolerated in the past. For example, I was kicked off the Post's comments for 36 hours for posting that the two "female" boxers in Olympics controversy have XY chromosomes.

Is is encouraging that the comment received four likes and two positive comments, which is a positive sign. However, the fact that sex realist pieces are a rarity in the Post and other mainstream media that generate intense criticism from activists and allies shows that gatekeepers in the media are not willing to permit an open and public debate about gender ideology.

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