Thank Goddess this day has arrived. Women are a separate sex class, deserving of our own sex-based rights, privacy, safety and dignity. That's why we have separate sex-based spaces in the first place, because men and women are different! Men demanding to be allowed into women's intimate spaces against their wishes is demonstrating the misogyny of the gender cult, it is the ultimate in male oppression of women. No more.

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So glad, relieved really, to see that sex is being defined correctly: Two sexes, and only two, because there are only two gametes- sperm and egg.

Was there ever any mechanism from preventing a male from claiming a female "identity"? I think this is a huge flaw of the notion of "gender identity" and glad to see its being diminished in government use.

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Gender ideology IS unscientific, Orwellian, and harmful. So-called trans rights came at the express expense of hard-won women's rights, which were abandoned seemingly wholeheartedly almost the minute they came to be respected. I'm horrified at the mere thought of a second Trump presidency, but this is undoubtedly the silver lining. Trans rights must be defined in true liberal fashion as basic human rights--that do NOT come at the expense of others.

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I think lawsuits from the ACLU Lambda legal and whoever else challenging these executive orders will ultimately be to the benefit of trump and MAGA.

Far too much of the gender ideology and trans madness has been snuck in sideways without serious debate. Let's have that debate in open court at the highest level.

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Benjamin, thank you for this. I do wonder about the tone, though, which seems to try to be unbiased but fails to do so (is it ever even possible). You state: ‘ implications of such an order are profound. It could impact transgender people’s presence in prisons, rape shelters and schools and how their sex is designated on their passports.’ This is from a transgenderist viewpoint and needs to consider also the Improved safety of incarcerated women, in rape shelters, schools, and lesbians’ social and cultural activities.

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I have waited for this day for so long.

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Don’t underestimate the depth of the impact into science and health where via the NIH use of gender has propagated into all biological and medical research institutions they grant funds to.

It’s actually had to find a paper on women’s health which doesn’t define women in relation to trans (cis women), and doesn’t have trans women as a biological variable. The corruption and creation of spurious research via using undefinable variables in biological and medical research is not well understood by those outside scientific circles, but it is a profound disturbance to the quality and repeatability of science.

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Sex is binary, so it's a shame it had to be spelled out so clearly, but the Dems made that necessary.

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I feel no need to protect the transgender community. These people have proved over and over again that all they care about are their personal fetishes, pronouns, and grooming little kids into the LGBTQIA lifestyle before they are even old enough to know what any of it means. They will absolutely trample all over someone else’s rights in order to convert others to the cause.

Also, the women that had to compete with men.. What the hell were they thinking? Everyone of them across the country should of went on strike. Why the hell didn’t they? Why did they give Lia Thomas a platform?

There was a pretty simple solution. They should not have played with Lia Thomas. That would of shut down the whole shit show!

I get that they trained and it was their time, but they should of stepped aside and let Lia compete by himself. This would of ended the whole damn thing.

Time for this insanity to end.

The world doesn’t care about other people sex problems. Only the government does. And they use gay people to divide the country.

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This rapidly released, very useful coverage of an important topic, is impressive in how quickly it was released, how professionally it is made, and how broad it is in coverage. I have quibbles about some sentences here and there, but that is a tiny percentage of the piece, and nothing that would prevent me from sharing this piece and knowing it is valuable.

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Just let me know if you see any typos, since I have a bad cold, and yes, put this out super fast!

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Before "May Mailman," missing a "by"

Great work.

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Ben, I saw no typos and it's an impressive summation. A very minor point. The sentence: "This which signals the new administration’s intention to combat diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, programs within the federal government. "

I think the sentence might be more fluent if that "which" were left out. I know, nit picky readers!

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Thanks, fixing!

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Jan 21Edited

I just upgraded to the $150 level......your work is really outstanding.

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Ah, that was you. Thanks very much!

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It is incredible that this was completed with a bad cold. I don't remember seeing any typos, but will be happy to point them out if I do see any.

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I'm immensely curious what the basis would be of any such lawsuits. Nothing in the EO affects the ability to people to present themselves in opposite sex stereotypes. It simply makes it irrelevant if they do. The legal protections from Bostock remain intact.

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Take a look at the Skirmetti case. They’ll argue things like “refusing to use someone’s preferred pronouns is violent/discriminatory” and “a trans woman is a woman.”

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How can one argue that a "trans woman" is a woman when the definition of a woman is the sex that produces large gametes? No male (trans woman) can produce large gametes, thus no male (trans woman) is a woman. And sex is immutable, thus Trans women are men.

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Is it too strident to say the federal gov't won't recognize transgender people, it will continue to recognize them, but as the sex they are . . . male or female. Additionally, most LGBTQ+ organizations define "transgender" as merely nonconformity with tradition expressions of what it means to be a man or woman (i.e. sexual stereotypes). By that definition, the gov't will still recognize people who don't conform to strict sexual stereotypes, as it always has.

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Yes! Finally the common sense we have been waiting for.

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Thank You!

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I'm glad this has happened, although there will be lots of legal wrangling to come before it can all be implemented, but sad that this comes at the expense of having Trump do all the other horrible things he will.

The last Executive Order that you listed that he got rid of, Executive Order 14021 of March 8, 2021: Guaranteeing an Educational Environment Free From Discrimination on the Basis of Sex, Including Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity, was good in protecting women and gays. It was only the part about Gender Identity that should have been ended.

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The only way that the legal wrangling can slow it down is if a Federal judge issues an injunction against the implementation. That's a very tall order, given the precedents that have been recently issued by many Federal courts saying that sex does not include gender identity.

Any such order will be immediately appealed, and will be unlikely to stand.

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Thanks for this update.

I feel as though the Supreme Court is, at some point, going to have to weigh in on all of this, which is something the majority of justices are probably loathe to do. Transgender people are a protected class or they are not, although maybe the Skrmetti decision will clarify that.

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The Skrmetti case WILL decide whether to grant trans people the status of quasi-suspect class, because the DOJ asked them to. The answer will almost certainly be no. But at some point the court will to define what a woman is until Title IX, I would imagine.

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Yes, I think your prediction is probably right, but my worry is that the justices muddy the waters with some kind of half-here, half-there majority opinion that doesn't clarify as much as it should. Do you share that worry?

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