Thank you!

"“Despite the criticisms that I face—you heard some here earlier—I have no room in my heart for discrimination. And frankly I have no time for intolerance.”"

Adm Rachel Levine does not seem to have room for evidence based medicine and best practices in medicine for people with gender distress. Or even facts! No patient treated following the AAP policy is giving informed consent because the policy is based upon falsehoods.

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Fascinating. A man dressed as a woman exhibiting the delusion that he may be a woman gives advice on children with puberty anxiety that they should be sterilized. What a world.

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Thank you to Lauren, Jamie, and Ben--and everyone who is standing up for kids.

Will this be covered in the NYT?

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I had a rare win today arguing with a far-left liberal about the science of gender medicine. I asked them to explain the Cass Report and the guidelines in several European countries that restrict pediatric gender medicine to therapy until 18. It’s the same thing that a majority of states have legislated, yet it’s labeled transphobic and right-wing in America. They had no response since they obviously couldn’t say European countries are transphobic.

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In a world full of villains, there are a few heroes. Thank you, Lauren, Jaimie and Ben.

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“I have no time for people who won’t tolerate this child abuse”

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Lauren is a modern day heroine. And Ben, Jamie and Lauren will be remembered for their ferocious and brave protection of children - gay children, autistic children, all children who are in the line of fire from this monstrous scam that is “gender medicine.”

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She deserves the FFS award this week 👏

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29

Hi Benjamin, a question about the meaning of "gender dysphoria".

So let's say a little boy is fascinated by Judy Garland, imitates her, may even try some make up on. And let's say a little girl want to troubleshoot shot mufflers on Peterbilts. Now each child is perfectly ok doing this. Would this still be considered "gender dysphoria"?

If you go back and read the pathologizing psychological literature on homosexuality.....invariably, male....you will see how much of it is in essence a transposition of the discomfort that philosophy and theology have felt with women, and above all effeminacy. "Gender Dysphoria" sound alot like this...

I've read so much about the gender/transing issues and am amazed how nebulous "gender dysphoria" is.

BTW, have you seen this with Jack Turban?


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Sep 29·edited Sep 30

(Am not Ben Ryan and I'm sure he'll have a better answer!)

There's a technical definition in the DSM, which the APA has described.

For children it literally includes toys.


For adults if you want to be treated as the opposite sex and think that you are more similar in your interests to the opposite sex and this causes you distress, looks to me like you have the diagnosis. Say a woman who wanted to vote in 1915 and liked woodworking....

But some people (e.g. Edwards-Leeper) seem to imply that a gender dysphoria diagnosis means you are appropriate for medical interventions if you want them, and they then require an assessment (added: to say whether you have it. It appears to just be a dsm checklist though. So I think she means something besides the lost.)

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So this "gender affirming care" is through and through a return of the whole psychological gay/lesbian as illness, blah blah.

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Gay guy here. To my knowledge, no reputable psychologists or other mental health professionals are claiming that being gay or lesbian is a form of mental illness. However, there is a definite fear among sex realists and some adult gay people that gender nonconforming little boys (sissies - I was one) and little girls (tomboys) are at risk of being mistaken for "trans kids" by their parents or overzealous trans allies and transitioned. As I understand it, trans activists are always pushing back on the idea that being trans is a mental illness. Hence, the trans ally who seeks to trans a gay boy, for example, won't view the child as being mentally ill. Instead, they will see transitioning as the way to allow the child to be the person he was meant to be.

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Just adding on. I think they (Rachel Levine, Rafferty, etc.) believe there is a feeling that one is “male” or “female” and that feeling means one should have a male body or female body, and should be seen and treated as if they were born with such a body. This does not necessarily mean they fit stereotypes for the opposite sex. (My 18 year old daughter is pretty feminine and wants to be seen as an effeminate gay or bisexual male, for example.)

. It literally just means they see themself as being that other sex and are disturbed (hence dysphoria) by being in the body they are in.

How this manifests in young children is usually that they are very non-conforming and either are treated badly for being so (people judge then and they feel rejected so they think they are “wrong” and really should have been the other sex), or, for a few, it means they truly wish they were the opposite sex because there are things about them they wish they had - usually they want to be seen as the opposite sex because that is the sex their behaviors align with.

Either way, they should simply be allowed to act out their non-conforming behaviors, but not be judged - or lied to that they are the other sex!!! They should be left to grow up and either accept that they are non-conforming or perhaps not even remain non-conforming (by choice), or - rarely- they may choose as adults to live “as if” they are the opposite sex if they can weigh all the risks and downsides against how they perceive they will be seen by the world and think it’s worth the harms to be seen by the world as the opposite sex. This is a very complex adult choice to make and should not be clouded by misinformation about there being “trans” individuals who can never be happy in their intact bodies!

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Having been a sissy boy who enjoyed my Barbie doll and other feminine pursuits, I consider myself to have been gender nonconforming. I neither objected to being a boy nor doubted I was one. Hence, I had no gender dysphoria.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

I was very much like you as a child. But you see, in the new gender dispensation, we would fall under the trans umbrella, and would be seen as having body parts that do not match our identity. And that's what may well lay the foundations for being told that the way forward is puberty blockers/cross sex hormones /etc.

It's why so many gay men and lesbians are up in arms about this stuff.

BTW, I take it you know about Iran....if you are discovered to be gay by engaging in an act, you may well be given a choice of onerous punishment or transitioning.

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I've heard this anecdote about Iran but I have not sought to verify it.

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Richard Levine lies. He and other trans activists and their cishet allies have limitless time for intolerance. They show nothing but intolerance toward critics who oppose gender identity ideology. The only relevant question is why sex realists have waited so long to begin engaging in civil disobedience to protest not only pediatric gender medicine but every other manifestation of gender ideology.

It is important to remember that trans activists captured American institutions without giving the public adequate notice of their agenda or an opportunity to have meaningful and effective input on whether and how it should be implemented. Furthermore, from the beginning activists portrayed trans people as vulnerable and marginalized, while anyone who questioned any aspect of the trans program was deemed a transphobe. Consequently, to this day the mainstream media will not cover the gender critical movement adequately or fairly; captured institutions such as schools and health care organizations will brook no criticism of their accommodations to gender ideology; and prominent Democrats in fields such as entertainment, the arts and publishing profess their support for "trans kids" and roundly disparage dissenters.

In contrast, trans rights activists (TRA) have shown no respect towards sex realists, their message or their events. Violent demonstrations and disruptions are commonplace. The messaging and rhetoric that TRA direct at us is horrifyingly savage.

Let's hope that this protest marks the beginning of an era of widespread peaceful demonstrations against gender identity ideology and in favor of biology, science, truth and protecting vulnerable individuals from the consequences of a pernicious philosophy that got totally out of hand.

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Why did the AAP deny you a press pass? This seems bizarre bc you are an established science & medicine journalist. It seems like the AAP doesn't want the general public to hear their discussions. It seems like they (AAP) are against freedom of the press.

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Levín speech of the "national health" sounds like a Nazi level type of speech. It truly does. Especially when you listen to the underlying tone of it.

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Ben: those stand-along boldface quotes make no sense without knowing who is being quoted. Without attributions, they look like they are quotes from your own text.

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I fixed it. I was in a rush on Sunday.

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Brave woman! 💪💪💪

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How can you allow a transgender Paediatrician “Rachel”Levine to lecture Paediatricians on gender destruction for children. HOW DATE YOU? Equity for who????

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Richard Levine has no business making decisions or otherwise becoming involved with trans issues, especially youth gender medicine. As a man who claims to be a woman, he has an irremediable conflict of interest that precludes his participation. It is already well known that gender affirming physicians have breached or are at risk of breaching their ethical obligation to do no harm. Richard Levine cannot be counted upon to act in a minor patient's best interests when those interests conflict with the aims of gender identity ideology.

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