The cracks are beginning to show, and the PPA knows it; after all, you don't man the battlements unless the enemy is at the gate.

For years, gender ideologues have relied upon "no debate" to shut down dissension, and it's been a remarkably effective tactic in the court of public opinion. Unfortunately for them, this issue is moving into courts of law, where debate is the entire point. They'll prevail in some of those cases, no doubt, but I think in the long run they're going to lose more than they win. Time will tell, I suppose.

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Jul 19Liked by Benjamin Ryan

Also, I have to add that, in Philadelphia where I live, "PPA" means "Philadelphia Parking Authority." So the headline to this essay really confused me for about three seconds.

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Actually, the parking folks may be better suited to do the work than the psychologists at this point. Just saying.

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“The Party told you to reject the evidence…It was their final, most essential command.”

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Prescient. Though, to be fair, the problem goes back a long ways, and many have drawn attention to it, both before and after Orwell. Probably starting with Socrates:

Wikipedia: "The death sentence of Socrates was the legal consequence of asking politico-philosophic questions of his students, which resulted in the two accusations of moral corruption and impiety."


And then there's the aphorism attributed (falsely) to Voltaire: "“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize". Turns out it was some "White Nationalist":


Gawd, I love being White ... 😉🙂


But somewhat more to the point, Quillette had a decent story on that same problem almost 8 years ago -- how time flies ...

Quillette, quoting NowToronto (speaking of the Ministry of Truth, AKA Error 404): "We need to acknowledge that debates that invalidate the existence of trans and non-binary people or dehumanize us based on gender are both a form of transphobia and gendered violence. There is no neutral way to demand that someone defend their very existence and their right to a safe school and work environment."

Quillette, (author) Haskell: "Though different literary forms, the key message of both works [Orwell's 1984, & Politics & The English Language] was the same: beware any person or group that redefines words so that they no longer align with facts, common sense, and common usage.


Archive link: https://archive.ph/rKKcl

NowToronto archived: https://archive.ph/BtDEf

Though none of our definitions are cast in concrete, much less qualify as gospel truth. Moses didn't bring the first dictionary down from Mt. Sinai on tablets A through Z. All of our definitions are "socially constructed", but some are clearly better, more accurate, and useful than others.

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10 to 1 this is about future malpractice suits and them quashing legal discovery. A freewheeling listserv discussion of who said what when about paediatric gender care could be very bad for some practitioners, and they know it, and they freaked out. Probably the people running the listserv are in the same position.

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Dr. Christine Hartigan, referred to in the message as a "trusted source", provides assessments for "medical affirmation" "usually in one to two session" [sic]

she knows she's gonna get sued, baby. Maybe she's already been contacted by the lawyers of past clients.


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I sincerely hope there are a bunch of "doctors" who are starting to sweat under the collars, starting to be a bit worried that their asses are likely to be in a sling over this issue.

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Jul 19Liked by Benjamin Ryan

"The toxicity of the debate" shows itself once again.

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It’s ideology over evidence in America. Lived experience over evidence. Feelings over data. Making decisions based on logic & reasoning is white supremacy. I’m noticing more resistance from liberals, the New York Times publishing critical pieces on gender medicine is a positive sign.

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Mind-bogglingly unprofessional and unscientific. Telling professionals to be quiet because their professional opinions are supposedly hurting someone's personal feelings.

It's simply a straightforward attempt to cry-bully people into silence.

It must not only be resisted and denounced, but it should be made clear that the people who thought this was a good idea are not fit to lead their organization.

Solidarity with members of PPA! The rest of us support you in any efforts you undertake to protect the fundamental integrity of your profession.

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"Should you be interested in evidenced-based [sic] practices about gender affirming care ... please don't ever hesitate to simply ask. We are very fortunate to have a wealth of very rich information available..."

Really. I would love to see this "rich information," this alleged evidence supporting gender affirming care. Why am I dubious about its existence?

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This is abhorrent

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Start treating it like "Voldemort". The study that must not be named that was four years in the making and adopted by Brittan must not be spoken of cuz harm/far right and stuff like that. Don't worry about the health and welfare of those the report that must not be named was meant to protect cuz feelings/harm/far right. In lieu of having a dicssion about the report that must not be named we're going to play a game of suits and ladders and then color pictures of rainbows and puppies. And hey if healthy kids get sterilized at least we were inclusive and nice.

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“Targeted, harmed, and hurt” says it all.

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About a month and a half ago, the light went on for me -

The origin and continued propagation of trans and gender fiction is Psychiatry. Not media, not queer studies, not politics, not trans, not social media or the internet, and not “postmodernism”.

Psychiatry is a unique tautology system - any criticism of a definition of mental health can be challenged as evidence of mental illness or mental incompetence. It’s entirely self-enclosed, hermetically sealed, Catch-22. We are trained to believe only a crazy person would call psychiatrists crazy.

I’m sure we’ll see more of this, as the system of mechanisms for preserving the integrity of the psychiatric model of human behavior seeks to eradicate contradictions.

Either Cass is right or you can actually placate a quasi-demonic opposite-sex spirit with chemistry and surgery, and psychiatry continues a long tradition working against women and gays.

Either Darwin is right, or God snapped fingers and created all life.

Either physics and geology are right, or the world is a few thousand years old.

Either Copernicus was right or the Earth is the center of the Universe.

Modern showdown. Pass the popcorn.

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This is not an uncommon thing in psych listserve/fb groups in other places too. It happens in Australia!

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