My breakdown of the amicus, or "friend-of-the-court", brief that the AAP and a roster of other medical societies submitted to the high court, which is riddled with flaws and remarkable omissions.
Benjamin, thank you so much for this comprehensive reporting. I am so grateful for resources like these that I can send to my MLA (a member of the opposition) in the hopes that this can stop being a partisan issue here in Alberta and we can all agree on some basic facts and premises. The thinking in progressive circles is so misguided, it’s very disheartening. I appreciate that you persist in presenting facts and reason.
The Delphi process to which you refer, used by wpath, is a way of determining consensus opinions. Opinion is the lowest form of medical evidence in the medical evidence pyramid. But I believe also that wpath screened members of the recommendation committees ahead of time, in part for what they believed. So it appears to me that it was consensus among people who were chosen to only have certain opinions ahead of time....?!
"In his recent book on trans kids, Dr. Turban repeatedly strongly suggests that he thinks these assessments are worthless and should be done away with." Note that Dr. Turban also practices in a state, California, where parental knowledge of their child's medical procedures is routinely denied. Given Dr. Turban's statements about assessment, it is possible that a child could go to UCSF without their parent's knowledge, and be rapidly medically transitioned.
In California, laws around the medical rights for minors frequently allow minors to make medical decisions fully independently of parents:
A few years ago, our 14-year-old daughter was struggling with painful menstruation. We took her to UCSF in San Francisco where we live. I was shocked to find out that the doctors at UCSF were expecting my 14-year-old daughter to make full decisions about her treatment without any parental guidance. As parents, were were even told that we did not have the right to know what treatment was being recommended to our daughter.
We withdrew our daughter from UCSF and took her to Stanford. Our experience at Stanford was good and we were able to assist our daughter to choose an appropriate medical treatment.
I am alarmed about Dr. Turban. The fact that he thinks that assessments for gender dysphoria are "worthless", combined with the fact that UCSF seems to lean hard on withdrawing parental consent, even compared to other California hospitals, leads me to believe that there is something very wrong at UCSF with the way that children and teens are being treated.
There is a cautionary tale about slipper slop and given those seemingly unable to rationally consider long-term harms and side-effects.
When women voted-supported or did not object to State taking custody of children from fathers to give to mothers, along with child-support bribes, they opened the door to
future State removing children from both parents and de-facto usurping parental rights for its-self.
When women voted-supported or did not object to young woman that are way below age of legal adulthood and consent, to kill our babies without parental agreement or even awareness, they opened the door to children being groomed by pedophilic women and men 'professionals' into those children making life-destroying medical choices without parental permission, or even awareness.
The root of these problems go much deeper and has brough once clear insanity into acceptance.
My belief that a significant line was crossed when Western societies' people were raised to accept the clearly insane from the crib.
Because most mothers welcomed the extra liberties and power they voted for, men and Government help them gather, from the crib this insanity was always framed in a glowing light, and when needed - as mothers can do - guilt and questioning if the child loves her at child's signs of reluctance or question bordering on topic(s).
If Authorities greater than mothers, this society, and societies across the West and most of the world were not enough to give even the most otherwise sane person reason to reject alternatives to the insane indoctrinated position, then when Supreme Court of the US rules that it is Just under the law. With only the Catholic Church and a few others position is against, but what arguments - if any - did you hear from them, 'Life at Conception', but medical field is 'removing' much later, sometimes beyond when you would draw the line - and after the Protestant Revolution and loss of sane anchors, aren't you near a god, able to kill our babies on whim?
So, that cancerous tumor of insanity well establish in all our minds, where can others direct it? Sex confusion seems most damaging. You Sex is a choice, with communist phrasing and 'gender' to confuse and make arguments against poorly focused and subject to objections and distractions - "Stop your detailed argument! We say HUMANkind, never MANkind!", but instead - here we say 'gender' not 'sex' when that aspect is discussed. Hecklers Veto made Feelie-good.
So, where will it end?
Sexually mutilating or sterilizing children? Abortion after birth? Fertilizing and conceiving 12+ babies in laboratory, and destroying all or all-but-one, to do over? Conceiving babies for sale, used for most deprived & perverse ways and murdered and since no father or parents, and Government is okay, why not? How about illegal immigrants or Palestinians in Gaza, gather men and take to medical trailer to have organs cut from body while alive to sell to corp. Medical Systems, or even ER or regular hospital procedure patient that is a good match for someone of the powerful ruling families, tell family unexpectedly died while then in basement room wide awake but unable to move as the Satanic corp. Employee Butcher showing him his liver and laughing with others in room, so only to enjoy?
Open Televised year+ 200,000+ innocents Genocide?
Where does it end?
The integrating of the insanities into rational-construction, world-view, logical-processes, and values causing great internal blindness, loss of perspective, damaging and darkening our intellect, destroying innocence, distorting all factors that protect us and others, weaking abilities to accept arguments against, or warnings from others that are on the topic and connected topics.
Where did the break with world-wide and personal sanity start?
In acceptance of insanity of mothers hire Witches to torture to death our babies as Sacrifices to Satan and Sin. In my lifetime 3+ Billions of our babies tortured to death, ripped apart while silently screaming, in my lifetime .. and this Insanity is acceptable to most.
Hannah perhaps you can edit, rewrite, or whatever needed to push-away the Red-Harren distraction argument (development stages okay to kill) that has no resolution and as such is pushed so hard everywhere, and have us refocus on a Truth that anyone who lived even 1/2 my age should - on reflection - see the increase in acceptance of Insanities with no debates.
May this comment find you and us all ever closer to God, His Clarity and Peace.
"the Cass Review, like other systematic reviews, is simply a summary of some of the existing research, as selected by the author.”
Boilerplate. The usual suspects. One just has to wonder, "how long until..." rather than "whether" the class-action lawsuits will really go full-steam. Here they are, the perpetrators of bad science, unwilling to even engage in good-faith scientific discourse. Too late now, but are they sure they really want to put all this arrogance and ignorance out there, on full display, for posterity? Mind you, it will make things so much easier for prosecuting lawyers.
Thank you for this thorough overview! The conflict of interest of the “experts” is clearly a huge red flag. Shame on the rest of us in organized medicine for letting it go by quietly.
"In their opening, authors of the AAP amicus brief assert that the contents of their filing will describe the “scientifically rigorous process by which” trans-care guidelines for minors were developed and will detail the related evidence that backs pediatric gender-transition treatment."
How can the AAP have any credibility saying this when they promised last year to finally do a systematic review of this evidence and have failed to take even the first steps of doing the review? And how can the AAP make claims about the desistance rates when there is no ICD code for it? My teen's (incorrectly given) "gender dysphoria" diagnosis that was submitted to our insurance was among those counted and reported in the Reuters article a few years ago. But there's no way to see that even though medicalizing was recommended, she desisted just a few months after getting that diagnosis.
Also, have you read the amicus brief specifically tackling the suicide claims?
It argues against the suicide claims used to justify medical interventions and how the data is not there to back up the suicide argument. It cites things you referenced, like the study from Finland and the Louis Appleby report from the UK showing that banning puberty blockers in the UK did not cause an increase in suicides. It also does a pretty good takedown of the minority stress claims (with data) and cites data about the co-morbid mental health issues and their known risk factors. A lot of it is info I've seen before, but it's the first time I've seen the minority stress model challenged that way using data from other minority groups during different points in history. My only quibble with it is that I wish it had explained why making these claims violates suicide prevention recommendations (as you discussed in your really good article), but I also understand that angle was not in the narrow scope of what was assigned for that amicus brief, which was to determine if there was data to back up that reason for prescribing blockers and hormones, and that there are limits to how much they can submit.
Is the reason we are unable to publicly discuss and perhaps implement punishments for false-witnessers and significant lies because Fem-Nazis are in control under the Zionists, and either-or the genocide of White Christian peoples and culture is advanced more rapidly which is the Zionists goal, or because women and Zionists lie regularly and so would suffer more often and more severely than most, or perhaps something else?
Imagine for we grew-up and lived in a society that at and after age 15 any lie or socially destructive intentional action resulted in no less then to be secured in a public place and a collar connected around the neck and then tasered till screaming and soiling-self for the sentenced time - a time that increases each repeat crime.
The only remaining question is for what follows for those that (WMD) lie us into war? Locking them and all the older adults in family into a Humvee and burning them alive on live stream, or some other ways they murdered those or the other's men?
Do you consider it pass-time for such discussions and to view objectors as the Satanic tools directed from Hell they have been for 45+ years?
And thank you for noting that not only are the assessments short....they don't know what findings of the assessment have to do with the likelihood of medical intervention being more beneficial than harmful.
Normally a strep test tells you how likely it is that you have strep for instance.
Here, the assessment people say that they think you are a good candidate for medical intervention. One might think this is backed up by something like "(made up number) who had the assessment outcome you do were better off medically transitioning than not". But it's not. They don't know how many have regretted or detransitioned or even thought that they'd rather have had their health once they matured fully. Or did better with these interventions, period, once the placebo effects wore off and the person became more mature and self aware. And they don't know how many would have been fine later on, just as well or better, without transition but with other support. They haven't checked.
So it's just roughly "well I didn't find some things that I expect are problems so maybe it'll be best for you. Some people who did this tell me they are happy."
The young people who think they are being diagnosed and scientifically determined to be good candidates for these interventions are believing a lie. Detransitioners often say they were told they were a perfect candidate. Apparently not.
I wonder if this is all going to be like smoking in the future. Some people will like taking steroids in spite of the huge side effects, others will like estrogen, ditto, because they feel more comfortable in the world, at the moment, doing so. But the enormous health risks and the fact that people change how they view themselves as they mature and move through life more generally means this is a gamble, given the irreversible effects. (A gamble with currently unknown odds for both change in wishes and or medical harm.) And no one says cigarettes are medically necessary, tells young children that they might be a good possible future smoker, asks everyone to discuss their smoking status whenever they introduce themselves from kindergarten on, calls CPS on parents who think their kids are not best served by smoking, or provides cigarettes when requested to a person at any age who desires it. (Peers might encourage it...).And smokers know the medical odds for physical harm, unlike here, and probably people understand the quitting odds too. We can point to George Burns smoking at his 99th birthday party, but no one says that means it is safe!
Item 10 in Johanna Olson-Kenndey's sworn statement shared here seems pretty noteworthy:
"10. As I testified previously, by it's very nature, puberty suppression *stops* further development of physical characteristics inconsistent with the adolescent identity, which is therefore meant to *prevent* (not necessarily improve) the worsening of gender dysphoria, the deterioration of mental health, and the development of further body dissatisfaction."
I have to imagine most supporters of gender affirming care would be surprised to learn that puberty blockers are actually just meant to keep kids' gender dysphoria from getting worse, not make it better. This feels like the start of a reverse ferret to allow her to say the results of the study support the conclusion she supposedly had all along. Is there evidence out there that this what people in this field have been saying about puberty blockers all along?
Intentionally, the medical associations have aligned in their endorsement to specifically build a firm wall of protection and resistance for any pushback and counter argument against the AAP position. It’s going to be difficult, if not impossible, to overcome the standing of many major medical professional associations and the illusion of settled science. I’m grateful you are going to be there to document the proceedings for us.
A couple of typos: Instead, it portrays these medical interventions for children and widely accepted an uncontroversial among doctors. should be as widely accepted and uncontroversial... have not finished the piece, but just want to thank you for doing the work. I will share with my democratic representatives.
What are you claiming re: Nex Benedict? I recall a bunch of "beaten to death in bathroom” bullshit that suddenly stopped after the hospital-bed police interview & official cause of death came out...
good article. thanks for your reporting. i laughed when i saw photo of Rafferty. and thanks for mentioning aap footnotes. his
policy statement and gender intervention narrative footnotes use the same trick. they describe a sci fi narrative with wild and false claims using footnotes that dont support their claims.
His policy statement uses a study about conversion therapy in gay men as a footnote for the bit about conversion therapy being harmful to trans kids, something that at least at that time had not even been studied.
Brett Cooper MD in Texas is a Raffetty acolyte and brought the same strange “conversion therapy” language into Texas Medical Association policy through his involvement in top leadership, which then ended up in an Amicus Brief filed by TMA against Ken Paxton’s position. Cooper has recently been sued by the AG for allegedly performing gender affirming care on minors against state law, as well as defrauding Medicaid. He was also found to have posted salacious comments about his patients on a social media site under “teendocmd” which is not just unprofessional, but disgusting.
That study would be interesting to review, but my expect-fraud alarm went off when I read your reply, and how the results sounded negative. Wondering what kind of therapy - counseling with a priest perhaps?
My alarm is pretty accurate, as it needs to be as a user of mind-raping Google and Wikipedia, and with Wikipedia it would be funny the entries if many did not entrench people into life-long mistakes, suffering, suicides and passing on to children for their lives crippled before they started as an adult.
Benjamin, thank you so much for this comprehensive reporting. I am so grateful for resources like these that I can send to my MLA (a member of the opposition) in the hopes that this can stop being a partisan issue here in Alberta and we can all agree on some basic facts and premises. The thinking in progressive circles is so misguided, it’s very disheartening. I appreciate that you persist in presenting facts and reason.
Thank you Ben! I hope to meet you on Wednesday 😉
I'll be really busy, but I have to come outside after the hearing to take pix, so I might meet some people.
Thank you for this great overview!
The Delphi process to which you refer, used by wpath, is a way of determining consensus opinions. Opinion is the lowest form of medical evidence in the medical evidence pyramid. But I believe also that wpath screened members of the recommendation committees ahead of time, in part for what they believed. So it appears to me that it was consensus among people who were chosen to only have certain opinions ahead of time....?!
Another way of looking at it is that WPATH didn't even clear the lowest scientific hurdle before axing the age limits.
"In his recent book on trans kids, Dr. Turban repeatedly strongly suggests that he thinks these assessments are worthless and should be done away with." Note that Dr. Turban also practices in a state, California, where parental knowledge of their child's medical procedures is routinely denied. Given Dr. Turban's statements about assessment, it is possible that a child could go to UCSF without their parent's knowledge, and be rapidly medically transitioned.
In California, laws around the medical rights for minors frequently allow minors to make medical decisions fully independently of parents:
A few years ago, our 14-year-old daughter was struggling with painful menstruation. We took her to UCSF in San Francisco where we live. I was shocked to find out that the doctors at UCSF were expecting my 14-year-old daughter to make full decisions about her treatment without any parental guidance. As parents, were were even told that we did not have the right to know what treatment was being recommended to our daughter.
We withdrew our daughter from UCSF and took her to Stanford. Our experience at Stanford was good and we were able to assist our daughter to choose an appropriate medical treatment.
I am alarmed about Dr. Turban. The fact that he thinks that assessments for gender dysphoria are "worthless", combined with the fact that UCSF seems to lean hard on withdrawing parental consent, even compared to other California hospitals, leads me to believe that there is something very wrong at UCSF with the way that children and teens are being treated.
There is a cautionary tale about slipper slop and given those seemingly unable to rationally consider long-term harms and side-effects.
When women voted-supported or did not object to State taking custody of children from fathers to give to mothers, along with child-support bribes, they opened the door to
future State removing children from both parents and de-facto usurping parental rights for its-self.
When women voted-supported or did not object to young woman that are way below age of legal adulthood and consent, to kill our babies without parental agreement or even awareness, they opened the door to children being groomed by pedophilic women and men 'professionals' into those children making life-destroying medical choices without parental permission, or even awareness.
The root of these problems go much deeper and has brough once clear insanity into acceptance.
My belief that a significant line was crossed when Western societies' people were raised to accept the clearly insane from the crib.
Because most mothers welcomed the extra liberties and power they voted for, men and Government help them gather, from the crib this insanity was always framed in a glowing light, and when needed - as mothers can do - guilt and questioning if the child loves her at child's signs of reluctance or question bordering on topic(s).
If Authorities greater than mothers, this society, and societies across the West and most of the world were not enough to give even the most otherwise sane person reason to reject alternatives to the insane indoctrinated position, then when Supreme Court of the US rules that it is Just under the law. With only the Catholic Church and a few others position is against, but what arguments - if any - did you hear from them, 'Life at Conception', but medical field is 'removing' much later, sometimes beyond when you would draw the line - and after the Protestant Revolution and loss of sane anchors, aren't you near a god, able to kill our babies on whim?
So, that cancerous tumor of insanity well establish in all our minds, where can others direct it? Sex confusion seems most damaging. You Sex is a choice, with communist phrasing and 'gender' to confuse and make arguments against poorly focused and subject to objections and distractions - "Stop your detailed argument! We say HUMANkind, never MANkind!", but instead - here we say 'gender' not 'sex' when that aspect is discussed. Hecklers Veto made Feelie-good.
So, where will it end?
Sexually mutilating or sterilizing children? Abortion after birth? Fertilizing and conceiving 12+ babies in laboratory, and destroying all or all-but-one, to do over? Conceiving babies for sale, used for most deprived & perverse ways and murdered and since no father or parents, and Government is okay, why not? How about illegal immigrants or Palestinians in Gaza, gather men and take to medical trailer to have organs cut from body while alive to sell to corp. Medical Systems, or even ER or regular hospital procedure patient that is a good match for someone of the powerful ruling families, tell family unexpectedly died while then in basement room wide awake but unable to move as the Satanic corp. Employee Butcher showing him his liver and laughing with others in room, so only to enjoy?
Open Televised year+ 200,000+ innocents Genocide?
Where does it end?
The integrating of the insanities into rational-construction, world-view, logical-processes, and values causing great internal blindness, loss of perspective, damaging and darkening our intellect, destroying innocence, distorting all factors that protect us and others, weaking abilities to accept arguments against, or warnings from others that are on the topic and connected topics.
Where did the break with world-wide and personal sanity start?
In acceptance of insanity of mothers hire Witches to torture to death our babies as Sacrifices to Satan and Sin. In my lifetime 3+ Billions of our babies tortured to death, ripped apart while silently screaming, in my lifetime .. and this Insanity is acceptable to most.
Hannah perhaps you can edit, rewrite, or whatever needed to push-away the Red-Harren distraction argument (development stages okay to kill) that has no resolution and as such is pushed so hard everywhere, and have us refocus on a Truth that anyone who lived even 1/2 my age should - on reflection - see the increase in acceptance of Insanities with no debates.
May this comment find you and us all ever closer to God, His Clarity and Peace.
God Bless., Steve
Thanks for sharing. Based on your experience with UCSF, you may find this article on their medical school curriculum to be of interest:
"the Cass Review, like other systematic reviews, is simply a summary of some of the existing research, as selected by the author.”
Boilerplate. The usual suspects. One just has to wonder, "how long until..." rather than "whether" the class-action lawsuits will really go full-steam. Here they are, the perpetrators of bad science, unwilling to even engage in good-faith scientific discourse. Too late now, but are they sure they really want to put all this arrogance and ignorance out there, on full display, for posterity? Mind you, it will make things so much easier for prosecuting lawyers.
Benjamin, You should send this to the New York Times or Wall Street Journal or Boston Globe.
Pamela Paul and Azeen Ghorayshi at the Times, in particular might be very interested.
Azeen is busy, she’s on leave!
Thank you for this thorough overview! The conflict of interest of the “experts” is clearly a huge red flag. Shame on the rest of us in organized medicine for letting it go by quietly.
"In their opening, authors of the AAP amicus brief assert that the contents of their filing will describe the “scientifically rigorous process by which” trans-care guidelines for minors were developed and will detail the related evidence that backs pediatric gender-transition treatment."
How can the AAP have any credibility saying this when they promised last year to finally do a systematic review of this evidence and have failed to take even the first steps of doing the review? And how can the AAP make claims about the desistance rates when there is no ICD code for it? My teen's (incorrectly given) "gender dysphoria" diagnosis that was submitted to our insurance was among those counted and reported in the Reuters article a few years ago. But there's no way to see that even though medicalizing was recommended, she desisted just a few months after getting that diagnosis.
Also, have you read the amicus brief specifically tackling the suicide claims?
I haven’t read that brief, no. What’s the Cliff’s Notes account?
It argues against the suicide claims used to justify medical interventions and how the data is not there to back up the suicide argument. It cites things you referenced, like the study from Finland and the Louis Appleby report from the UK showing that banning puberty blockers in the UK did not cause an increase in suicides. It also does a pretty good takedown of the minority stress claims (with data) and cites data about the co-morbid mental health issues and their known risk factors. A lot of it is info I've seen before, but it's the first time I've seen the minority stress model challenged that way using data from other minority groups during different points in history. My only quibble with it is that I wish it had explained why making these claims violates suicide prevention recommendations (as you discussed in your really good article), but I also understand that angle was not in the narrow scope of what was assigned for that amicus brief, which was to determine if there was data to back up that reason for prescribing blockers and hormones, and that there are limits to how much they can submit.
For someone wanting a summary of a lot of the data on this specific topic in one document, it's a good resource
Is the reason we are unable to publicly discuss and perhaps implement punishments for false-witnessers and significant lies because Fem-Nazis are in control under the Zionists, and either-or the genocide of White Christian peoples and culture is advanced more rapidly which is the Zionists goal, or because women and Zionists lie regularly and so would suffer more often and more severely than most, or perhaps something else?
Imagine for we grew-up and lived in a society that at and after age 15 any lie or socially destructive intentional action resulted in no less then to be secured in a public place and a collar connected around the neck and then tasered till screaming and soiling-self for the sentenced time - a time that increases each repeat crime.
The only remaining question is for what follows for those that (WMD) lie us into war? Locking them and all the older adults in family into a Humvee and burning them alive on live stream, or some other ways they murdered those or the other's men?
Do you consider it pass-time for such discussions and to view objectors as the Satanic tools directed from Hell they have been for 45+ years?
God Bless., Steve
In short, the answer to your off topic "question" on my comment is a resounding "no"
"Pediatric gender medicine experts insist that if such dysphoria persists into adolescence, it is very unlikely to dissipate. "
Alex Byrne traced the claim back and found it was based on ...earlier claims... impressions, not studies.
A "myth" basically.
And thank you for noting that not only are the assessments short....they don't know what findings of the assessment have to do with the likelihood of medical intervention being more beneficial than harmful.
Normally a strep test tells you how likely it is that you have strep for instance.
Here, the assessment people say that they think you are a good candidate for medical intervention. One might think this is backed up by something like "(made up number) who had the assessment outcome you do were better off medically transitioning than not". But it's not. They don't know how many have regretted or detransitioned or even thought that they'd rather have had their health once they matured fully. Or did better with these interventions, period, once the placebo effects wore off and the person became more mature and self aware. And they don't know how many would have been fine later on, just as well or better, without transition but with other support. They haven't checked.
So it's just roughly "well I didn't find some things that I expect are problems so maybe it'll be best for you. Some people who did this tell me they are happy."
The young people who think they are being diagnosed and scientifically determined to be good candidates for these interventions are believing a lie. Detransitioners often say they were told they were a perfect candidate. Apparently not.
I wonder if this is all going to be like smoking in the future. Some people will like taking steroids in spite of the huge side effects, others will like estrogen, ditto, because they feel more comfortable in the world, at the moment, doing so. But the enormous health risks and the fact that people change how they view themselves as they mature and move through life more generally means this is a gamble, given the irreversible effects. (A gamble with currently unknown odds for both change in wishes and or medical harm.) And no one says cigarettes are medically necessary, tells young children that they might be a good possible future smoker, asks everyone to discuss their smoking status whenever they introduce themselves from kindergarten on, calls CPS on parents who think their kids are not best served by smoking, or provides cigarettes when requested to a person at any age who desires it. (Peers might encourage it...).And smokers know the medical odds for physical harm, unlike here, and probably people understand the quitting odds too. We can point to George Burns smoking at his 99th birthday party, but no one says that means it is safe!
Item 10 in Johanna Olson-Kenndey's sworn statement shared here seems pretty noteworthy:
"10. As I testified previously, by it's very nature, puberty suppression *stops* further development of physical characteristics inconsistent with the adolescent identity, which is therefore meant to *prevent* (not necessarily improve) the worsening of gender dysphoria, the deterioration of mental health, and the development of further body dissatisfaction."
I have to imagine most supporters of gender affirming care would be surprised to learn that puberty blockers are actually just meant to keep kids' gender dysphoria from getting worse, not make it better. This feels like the start of a reverse ferret to allow her to say the results of the study support the conclusion she supposedly had all along. Is there evidence out there that this what people in this field have been saying about puberty blockers all along?
What is a sworn statement for in general? And in this specific case?
Some lawsuit. Click the hyperlink in that sentence.
Thank you for your clear eyes reporting. This is the only reason I’m glad Trump won, to Stop the Biden admin support of this butchery
Intentionally, the medical associations have aligned in their endorsement to specifically build a firm wall of protection and resistance for any pushback and counter argument against the AAP position. It’s going to be difficult, if not impossible, to overcome the standing of many major medical professional associations and the illusion of settled science. I’m grateful you are going to be there to document the proceedings for us.
A couple of typos: Instead, it portrays these medical interventions for children and widely accepted an uncontroversial among doctors. should be as widely accepted and uncontroversial... have not finished the piece, but just want to thank you for doing the work. I will share with my democratic representatives.
Thanks, fixed those.
What are you claiming re: Nex Benedict? I recall a bunch of "beaten to death in bathroom” bullshit that suddenly stopped after the hospital-bed police interview & official cause of death came out...
Hey I found the systematic review in the meta-analysis can you take a look at it
good article. thanks for your reporting. i laughed when i saw photo of Rafferty. and thanks for mentioning aap footnotes. his
policy statement and gender intervention narrative footnotes use the same trick. they describe a sci fi narrative with wild and false claims using footnotes that dont support their claims.
His policy statement uses a study about conversion therapy in gay men as a footnote for the bit about conversion therapy being harmful to trans kids, something that at least at that time had not even been studied.
Brett Cooper MD in Texas is a Raffetty acolyte and brought the same strange “conversion therapy” language into Texas Medical Association policy through his involvement in top leadership, which then ended up in an Amicus Brief filed by TMA against Ken Paxton’s position. Cooper has recently been sued by the AG for allegedly performing gender affirming care on minors against state law, as well as defrauding Medicaid. He was also found to have posted salacious comments about his patients on a social media site under “teendocmd” which is not just unprofessional, but disgusting.
State of Texas v. Brett Cooper
That study would be interesting to review, but my expect-fraud alarm went off when I read your reply, and how the results sounded negative. Wondering what kind of therapy - counseling with a priest perhaps?
My alarm is pretty accurate, as it needs to be as a user of mind-raping Google and Wikipedia, and with Wikipedia it would be funny the entries if many did not entrench people into life-long mistakes, suffering, suicides and passing on to children for their lives crippled before they started as an adult.
God Bless., Steve