Thank you for this important information and analysis!

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This was really good. Thank you. In the future, I hope there will be research looking at medical interventions on minors through age 25 broken down state by state to see if there seems to be a surge in medicalization at age 18 in states with bans, increases outside the norm in states without bans that neighbors states with bans, or a bubble of increased prescriptions or surgeries this year that may signal a rush into medicalization before Trump might ban them (either in reality or because of a fear it will happen). I feel like we need this data so we can know if bans actually help reduce medicalization of minors and young adults

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Do No Harm has done state by state analysis. https://benryan.substack.com/p/at-least-14000-us-minors-have-received

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These are concerning findings. Excellent reporting on this topic, as always!

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Been a while could I ask you to take a look at this study claiming there's good evidence that gender affirming care reduces suicide https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JxnN7Lz82ORlfqpg4yC6d-EoSV-iCUNs/view?usp=drivesdk

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"that about 1 in 1,000 privately inured U.S. 17 year olds" . Yes, you have nitpicky readers.............i do believe you mean "insured" and not inured.

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Look, DD, they were inured to many things, they're just private and we can't tell you what they are! It's called HIPAA.

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