I hope that online survey is propery surveilled, because trans activists will use every trick in the book to access and poison it: DDOS attacks, phony respondents...you name it, TRAs will try it.

I long for the day when we will look back on this gender stuff with the same disdain as recovered memories and multiple personality disorder.

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They intend to require identification, which they hope will deter trolls.

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The gender cult is much more perverse and pervasive than the multiple personalities disorder and recovered memories fad. They were not backed by multi billionaires and were not nearly as dangerous!

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There's much more money to be made off "transgender medical care."

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The TRA’s have been lying from the start, and no matter how carefully the research is done, they will find ways to discredit it. Just like the attacks on the well researched Cass Report and on her outstanding record in research on this subject, this report will be attacked and the researchers smeared. You are dealing with a well financed cult who risk being exposed for their lies. Just like a threatened snake , they will attack!

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I look for that day, too, but this ideology is backed by millions of dollars. So it is much harder to fight!

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Turban was on the Dr. Mike podcast. It was about 2 hours. Every trans question answer was some version of “it’s complicated”. Dude doesn’t actually assess or challenge a new patient’s trans claims because he’s not gatekeeping & it could be trauma-inducing. It’s straight to affirmation. Also claimed every negative study was biased and attacked the researchers while ignoring the data.

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It was actually three hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbriqWx0w7U

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Typical of this cult …they have no leg to stand on .

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"A fleet of gender-medicine researchers, such as University of California, San Francisco, child psychiatrist Dr. Jack Turban, have published papers seeking to debunk ROGD and send it to what they see as the trash heap of scientific quackery."

Turban's papers trying to show ROGD is not a useful hypothesis have been wrong...for instance most recently with Sapir, Littman and Biggs using Turban's own data set to show he didn't prove what he thought he proved.


Also, check out the rise in boys, as well, in that plot you show. The numbers exploded and went from 2:1ish boys to girls...to 2 and a bit:1 girls to boys. There is a huge rise in new cases of boys as well, 24 in 2009 and 426 in 2016. It's just the girls grew 4 times as fast. A huge fraction of these young people have signficant comorbidities--if these can contribute to gender dysphoria in females why can't they contribute to it in males? It's not just about the girls. (Littman's original ROGD paper had boys in it too.) 24 cases to 426 cases...in 7 years...

Shrier only talks about the girls but she and others who look at the data know about the boys' numbers exploding as well. https://www.rogdboys.org/

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"the provocative question of whether many of these children are truly transgender" — what I find truly provocative is the implication that there is such a thing as "truly transgender". As a concept this seems to go far beyond persistent gender dysphoria and comes with a baggage of problematic metaphysical assumptions.

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There's no such thing as a gender idenity. Gender idenity theory is pseudoscience.

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A much needed study. Hope they can achieve their recruitment goals and keep recruited subhects in the study.

While my own scientific experience is in cell biology and neuroscience, I've read papers from all three, and found them to be totally unbiased.

I'm sure TRAs will criticize the fact that these researchers are testing the ROGD hypothesis. But that's what good science does - it tests a falsifiable hypothesis. Not write some gibberish "looking through the lens" of some "theory".

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